Feock Eco
Climate Emergency
In March 2019, Feock Parish Council declared a Climate Emergency and resolved to form a working group of interested local residents and Parish Councillors to take forward the issue and agree the actions that could be taken locally.
The following resolution was passed at the Parish Council meeting in March 2019.
Feock Parish Council declares a climate emergency
Set up a climate change working party that includes stakeholders, people with an interest and partners (not a formal committee)
The working party is tasked with undertaking an audit on our impact on climate change and the impact of climate change on us as a parish
The working party engage with residents and stakeholders to put together a costed action plan within 6 months to inform the 2020/21 budget setting process.
A very well attended Call to Action meeting was held at the end of April 2019, over 30 residents attending where various ideas such as green energy suppliers, composting, tree planting schemes, solar panel battery storage and electric vehicle charging points were discussed to build upon the positive action the council is already taking to support tree planting and encouraging pollinators. Focus groups have now been formed under the name of Feock Action Climate Today (FAC-T) to put together an action plan which the Parish Council will cost and include in their budget setting discussions for their budget.
A public event "Climate Emergency Event - What Can You Do?" was held at Carnon Downs Village Hall on Saturday 12th October 2019. A huge thank you to all the speakers who came along, Dr Will Stableforth, Cllr Martyn Alvey, Ewen Abram-Moore and Sue Cooper, and to all the focus group members who ran information stalls, Cornwall Council's Recyclinig Team and Top Gear Electric bikes, also to those local businesses that donated towards the entry packs and raffle. Photos below of the event.
The Feock Eco Working Group will continue to work to put together an action plan for the parish and make suggestions to the Access & Amenities Committee and Full Council.
Residents of the parish who would like to be kept up to date with progress or be part of the group should email their details to debra@feockparishcouncil.co.uk so they can be added to the mailing list kept up to date with copies of the minutes from the meetings and receive details of when meetings will be held.