Current Planning Applications
Whilst Cornwall Council are the Local Planning Authority and decide all planning applications in the Parish.
The Parish Council is asked tby Cornwall Council to provide a consultee comment for each application.
Please see the Planning Committee's Terms of Reference to see details of the process the committee use for providing consultee comments to Cornwall Council.
Parish Councillors are currently considering their consultee comments for the planning applications listed below and welcome comments from neighbours or members of the public who have an interest in the application. These should be emailed to the Assistant Clerk, Debbie Searle via
For applications on the agenda for discussion at a Parish Council meeting you are welcome to attend the meeting and speak in the ‘public participation’ part at the start. Please note that this section of the meeting is limited to 15 minutes. Whilst you will usually be given 3 minutes in which to make your comments, if there are a large number of attendees wishing to speak, the 15 minutes will be divided by the number of speakers so your time for speaking may be reduced. Please note that you are only permitted to speak during this section of the meeting. Should you be unable to attend the meeting, but still wish to have your comments considered, please email them to the Assistant Clerk as detailed above.
Please also note that any comments made to the Parish Council should also be submitted to Cornwall Council who will decide the application.
Information on how to do this can be found by following this link - The Parish Council only provide a consultee comment and it is Cornwall Council’s Planning Officers who determine the outcome of each panning application.
Current applications being considered for consultee comment are listed below.
If you have any comments on these applications that you would like Councillors to be aware of before submitting their consultee comments to Cornwall Council, please email them to as soon as possible. ​​​​​​​
84 Jacaranda Trolver Croft Feock TR3 6RT - PA24/09065
Permission sought to install an additional 3rd High Voltaage wore to create a 3-phase overhead line, an additional pole to be installed at substation to create H pole and larger 3-phase transformer
Please use this link to view full details via Cornwall Council’s online planning register:
85 Trebartha Harcourt Feock TR3 6SQ - PA24/08794
Demolition of existing two storey house and erection of replacement two story house, alterations to garage, associated landscaping works and installation of air source heat pump and solar panels.
Please use this link to view full details via Cornwall Council’s online planning register:
86 Tresithick House Carnon Downs TR3 6JW - PA24/07817
Agricultural shed for the storage of agricultural vehicle (tractor) and implements
Please use this link to view full details via Cornwall Council’s online planning register:
87 Meadowside Churchtown Feock TR3 6SD - PA24/09129
Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA23/01909 dated 25.05.2023, namely
1) Lowered Finished Floor Level (FFL) for the southern "block", and Garage.
2) Additional cladding extents.
3) Window adjustments including
a. Garage Windows and rear door omitted,
b. Patio doors moved and widened,
c. Bedroom & Garage doors lowered,
d. Transoms and Mullions removed,
e. Single stairwell window replaced with three openings.
4) Air Source Heat Pump detailed & PV extents rearranged.
5) New pathway alongside garage.
Please use this link to view full details via Cornwall Council’s online planning register:
88 Windrush Quay Road Devoran TR3 6PW - PA24/09264
Works to Tree within a Conservation Area (TCA) - T2 - Giant Dogwood – Remove
Please use this link to view full details via Cornwall Council’s online planning register:
Information regarding notification of Planning Applications - 07/09/16
We have been made aware recently of occasions where residents have not known about planning applications made by their neighbours. We have contacted Cornwall Council for clarification on their notification processes. They have advised us that they will always write to residential properties abutting the application site, please note that these letters will be addressed to 'The Occupier'.
Yellow lamp post notices are not always displayed, generally if the application can be decided by the Case Officer without visiting the site a notice will not be displayed, if the Case Officer decides that they do need to carry out a site visit then they will put up the notice at that time. More detailed information about when a yellow notice will be displayed is available here
In future the Parish Council will also post links to applications on their Facebook page
Residents with online access can also go to the Planning page on Cornwall Council's website and set up alerts to notify them when an application is received in a certain postcodes by selecting 'Save search' when you have searched for a particular postcode.