Wellbeing and Support - MyFeock
The Parish Council feel they have a role to play in supporting residents wellbeing and have been involved in several
wellbeing projects over the last few years, there is more about these projects later on this page.
We currently provide the Feock Local Transport Scheme, a helpline, signposting and listings of local groups and activities on
a monthly basis some of which have come from HAIRE project from feedback from residents.
Prescription pick ups and Feock Local Transport Scheme for lifts to get to appointments in (or very close) to the Parish
Booking line 07904 547822
The phone line is open 9.30am to 12 noon on weekday mornings and manned by Cathy.
Please give 48 hours notice where possible of lifts required as our service is provided by volunteers to give us time to contact them
and arrange. Although we appreciate that this is not always possible with medical appointments.
We ask for a donation towards running the cost of the scheme and to cover the volunteers petrol.
If we can given as much notice as possible for picking up prescriptions and for lifts that is very helpful.
More information about how the scheme works and costs can be found here
​​​​​​​​Local groups and activities
Please visit our separate Wellbeing MyFeock website www.myfeock.co.uk for a complete and up to date listing of local groups in the Parish. This website has been set up from our HAIRE Wellbeing project in response to residents feedback that they find it difficult to find contact details for groups or find out about activities that are going on locally.
You can download a montly Whats On listing here
If you run a local group or are holding an event please email details to myfeock@feockparishcouncil.gov.uk so your group/event details can be added.
Support Services from the Parish Council
The Parish Council set up support services for residents at the start of the Covid pandemic and are pleased that they are still able to continue to provide these now that the pandemic has ended. The services provide deliveries of prescriptions to those who are housebound, lifts to medical and other appointments in the Parish as well befriending phonecalls.
Age UKs TAP Service can be contacted on 01872 223388 for lifts to Treliske Hospital.
​​​​Background to MyFeock, Community Connect Feock and Healthy Ageing through Innocation in Rural Europe (HAIRE)
The Parish Council feel they have a role to support residents wellbeing and have been involved in several wellbeing projects over the last few years. The HAIRE project (Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe) started in Summer 2020, an international EU project, part funded by Feock Parish Council and led by the University of Exeter. HAIRE also supported the ANCHOR project in connection with the local PCN Network (Carnon Downs GP surgery) and this project, like HAIRE, also worked in association with the University of Exeter and completed in March 2023. You can find out more about the aims of the HAIRE project at the bottom of this page.
The HAIRE Project promoted social activities, bringing people together, encouraging new wellbeing opportunities and services, including volunteer schemes in our community. We aim to provide a healthier place to live in, reducing isolation and loneliness. Although the project completed in March 2023, outcomes and learning from the project are still being taken forward and implemented. Amongst other initiatives coming from HAIRE is our Monthly What's On Event Listing, MyFeock website www.myfeock.co.uk and regular Walk & Talk Events as well as the continuing employment of Cathy Whitmore, our Information & Wellbeing Adviser.
For further information about our wellbeing work please contact our wellbeing team:
Cllr Keith Hambly-Staite - Feock Parish Council Wellbeing Lead - keithstaite@hotmail.com
Cathy Whitmore, Information & Wellbeing Adviser – cathy@feockparishcouncil.co.uk
Rough Sleepers
If you are aware of someone sleeping rough please refer them to the Homeless Assessment Hub on 0300 1234 161 or raise an alert via Streetlink at www.streetlink.org.uk or by downloading the Streetlink app.
Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE)
The Parish Council was invited to take part as a pilot area (one of only two pilots in the UK), in a European Interreg 2 Seas Project, which started in Spring 2020 and ended in Spring 2023, working in association with the University of Exeter and other European partners. The project will build on Community Connect, a wellbeing project which we had previously in the Parish, focusing mainly on people aged 60+ to develop services and facilities that are of benefit. The aim is to reduce the loneliness and feeling of isolation which can affect many of us as we grow older. An important part of the project is to focus on building on the strengths of our community and inter-generational activities.
The project has been developing and testing systems that empower and enable older people (aged 60+ and no longer employed) in rural areas to:
define what support they need;
participate in the design and delivery of services;
develop solutions for themselves to reduce loneliness and improve quality of life, health and wellbeing, based on their own interests, capabilities and preferences, and supported by the voluntary, private and public sectors.
The project aims to:
reduce isolation and loneliness & improve wellbeing in the 60+ age group;
increase collaboration between participating agencies and Voluntary & Community Sector Organisations (VCSOs);
improve rural community vitality;
increase active participation of older people & voluntary sector in service design & delivery;
create new models of service delivery.
We completed the Guided Conversation element of the project in March 2021, and the CREATE phase in June 2021 where we held workshops with residents at Trelissick Gardens to look at the results of the conversations and discuss solutions to the key areas of concern around wellbeing: Communication, Co-ordination and Opportunities. The project has now completed in March 2023 but one key outcome is the retention of a member of staff to continue to run our support services helpline and provide advice on wellbeing. Another outcome of the project was our new website www.myfeock.co.uk which contains information about local groups and services as well as a monthly Whats On listing and calendar (also available in hard copy from our library, various points around the parish and bookswaps).
Please get in touch if your group, club, event or society would like to be listed (free of charge). There you will see the activities, events and services we help support and provide. Most of what we do is supported/run by our amazing volunteers. If you would like to help support our services please find our volunteer page or get in touch for a chat. You can choose what you do and what time you able to give.
You can find out more about the HAIRE Project on the University of
Exeter's blog http://blogs.exeter.ac.uk/haire/2020/02/05/welcome/
Check out our Facebook page: My Feock Wellbeing
https://www.facebook.com/wellbeingfeock for information about wellbeing locally. ​​​​​