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Planning Applications


Whilst Cornwall Council are the Local Planning Authority and decide all planning applications in the Parish, the Parish Council is asked to provide a consultee comment for each application which will be in line with the Feock Neighbourhood Development Plan policies. 


Please see the Planning Committee's Terms of Reference to see details of the process the committee use for providing consultee comments to Cornwall Council.


The public are welcome to attend Planning Committee meetings and are able speak in the ‘public participation’ part at the start. Please note that this section of the meeting is limited to 15 minutes. Whilst you will usually be given 3 minutes in which to make your comments, if there are a large number of attendees wishing to speak, the 15 minutes will be divided by the number of speakers so your time for speaking may be reduced. Please note that you are only permitted to speak during this section of the meeting. Should you be unable to attend the meeting, but still wish to have your comments considered, please email them to the Assistant Parish Clerk via


Please also note that any comments made to the Parish Council should also be submitted to Cornwall Council who will decide the application. Information on how to do this can be found by following this link - The Parish Council only provide a consultee comment and it is Cornwall Council’s Planning Officers who determine the outcome of each panning application.


Planning applications currently being considered by the planning committee members can be found under the 'Current Planning Applications' tab above. Councillors welcome comments from neighbours and members of the public who have an interest in an application and these should be emailed to the Assistant Clerk, Debbie Searle via



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