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Footpaths & Public Rights of Way
The parish of Feock has a large network of well used and maintained footpaths, bridleways and byways which the Parish Council are responsible for surface maintenance on behalf of Cornwall Council via a Local Maintenance Partnership agreement. If you notice a footpath needs maintenance or is blocked please report this to the Parish Council Office on 01872 863333 or via so that we can report this to Cornwall Council or you can report it Cornwall Council directly
All footpaths have a reference number that it is useful to have if reporting an issue, for example 305/57/1, the 305 is the Parish number, then the 57 the path number and the 1 spur off path number 57.
A list of the footpaths, their names, descriptions and number are available here.
If you can supply as much detail as possible when reporting problems, such as the reference number of the path, that helps us to quickly identify the path and problem and resolve the issue. A photo is especially helpful of any blockages or damage.
Landowners are responsible for maintaining the side growth, hedges, fences and stiles on footpaths and Cornwall Council are responsible for the surface of the paths.
Footpaths are maintained to different levels by the Parish Council via the funding from Cornwall Council (Gold - given top priority, Silver - given priority only when funds are available after spending on Gold paths and Bronze - given little or no priority at all).
A map showing the footpaths is shown below or you can download a PDF version via this link Feock Footpath Map
You can also go to Cornwall Council's mapping site which has a zoom-able map of the footpaths and public rights of way, as well as more information on Public Rights of Way.
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