Since my last update I am very pleased to report that the Neighbourhood Plan is no
w at a stage where we will be consulting you again in the next few weeks before submitting the final document to Cornwall Council for the necessary consultation and inspection stages which will lead to the Referendum. It is important to emphasise that the whole plan and the policies within it based upon information and evidence gathered from you as Parishioners and also reflecting current Planning and other guidnace from Cornwall Council and other relevant bodies.
It may appear that this whole process has taken a very long time but please be assured that the time has been extremely well spent. It is also important to mention that we would not be at this stage of the plan without the involvement of Parish Councillors and members of the community in drawing together information from many sources and formulating appropriate policies, documentation and guidance.
Part of the public consultation process will include a household drop giving more details so please keep an eye out for this and in the meantime please feel free to contact me (Cllr Bob Richards) through the Parish Council Office should there be any queries or comments.