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Free CPR training sessions!

The next session of free CPR and defibrillator familiarisation training will be held in the Parish Council Office in Devoran at 7pm on Thursday 17th December. Mince pies and coffee will be provided!

The training is open to anyone in the parish, if you would like to attend please book your place with Debra, the Parish Clerk on 01872 863333 or email

The session takes approximately 1.5 hours, the actual time is dependant on the number of questions that are asked, the training is provided by a local NHS First Responder and an NHS Paramedic. At the last session we had lots of questions about various scenarios which I think everyone who attended found very interesting and useful.

We currently have one defibrillator installed in the phonebox at the bottom of Market Street in Devoran.

The second defibrillator will be installed on the outside wall of Ferris Garage in Feock, we are currently arranging the cabinet for this to be housed in.

It is hoped that a third defibrillator will be housed in the phonebox in Carnon Downs on Forth Coth. This would need the Parish Council to ‘adopt’ the phonebox from BT but would unfortunately mean that we would have to remove the pay phone from it. We are currently carrying out a consultation with local residents to find out if there are any strong objections to removing the pay phone and replacing it with a defibrillator. The Council have submitted a bid for a defibrillator and cabinet for Carnon Downs to the British Heart Foundation, who funded the defibrillators for Devoran and Feock.

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