The Parish Council has received numerous enquiries and complaints in recent months relating to development in the Pill Creek area.
There have been several recent planning application for the area which have raised concerns and we believe that more development requests may follow.
Whilst it is not possible to prevent all development in the future, there is a strong feeling that measures need to be considered to ensure that any future development is both appropriate and sympathetic to the area and does not destroy its natural beauty and tranquility, which are the very things which make it such an attractive and desirable place to live.
Balancing this equation is not an easy task.
For that reason, we have gathered together some of the people who may be able to give some advice and answer some of the questions being asked.
We have invited representatives from Cornwall Council's Planning Department, Cornwall Council's Tree Officer, AONB Planning Officer, our local Cornwall Councillor, Steve Chamberlain and Cllr Edwina Hannaford, Cornwall Council Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder for Planning.
Hopefully all of them will be in attendance to listen to the views of residents and their concerns, to answer these in general terms and consider what action needs to be taken forward by the Parish Council in conjunction with others.
The meeting is not designed specifically to answer questions relating to any one particular application, although we are aware that there are ongoing concerns on this issue.
What we are hoping to achieve is a general understanding of what can and cannot be done in the area within the limitations of current planning and development policies and guidance and also what can be done if things appear to be going wrong or the rules are being breached.
The strength of feeling generated from this meeting and the issues raised will be fed into the consultation element of our Feock Neighbourhood Development Plan, which is now nearing the end of its final public consultation period. If there are particularly strong views on any aspect which can be taken forward within current legislation and guidance, then it may be appropriate to revisit or revise some of our policies on planning and the environment within the Neighbourhood Plan.
We are conscious that it is unlikely that we will be able to satisfactorily solve all the problems and concerns in one meeting or indeed at any time in the future as we must all be bound by planning regulations and guidance and by legislation in other areas.
The area already enjoys the protection offered within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty legislation and a large part also enjoys the protection offered by Tree Preservation Orders. Anything which can be done to improve the understanding of these or to extend their influence will be just one matter we can discuss.
If anyone wishes to attend the meeting but is not able to, please let the Parish Council know of your concerns by writing to Bob Richards, Chairman of the Council by email bob8150richards@btinternet.com or telephoning the Parish Office on 01872 863333 and we will ensure that your concerns are raised at the meeting and that an answer is sent to you very soon afterwards.
Thank you for your concern for this beautiful part of our Parish.