The final pre-submission consultation period for our Neighbourhood Plan is now ended.
We have received a large number of comments on the Plan from parishioners, local business, the wider business and commercial sector and also from other consultees in the service sector. Many of these have been very complimentary about for the Plan and the way in which we have listened to the views of local people, their hopes and aspirations, and put together a wide variety of policies which will help to guide the development of the Parish of Feock in a wide range of areas through the coming years.
Many have also suggested areas we might like to look at again, or areas where they feel we might reconsider parts of the content of the Plan.
The Parish Council is extremely grateful to everyone who has taken the time to respond in any way, and although I have written back to some of you answering some of the points raised, I must emphasise that even if neither myself nor anyone else has personally responded to your contact, that your views have not been overlooked and will be listened to and respected, they will be discussed by the Parish Council and members of the Plan Steering Group and outside bodies as appropriate and any resulting amendments or adjustments made over the coming weeks to the final submission version of the Plan.
Once this has been done our Plan will be prepared ready for submission to Cornwall Council who will then take it through further consultation before submitting it for independent examination. Once that is successfully completed, it will come back for the final stage of the referendum, which at present is likely to take place in early Autumn 2016.
If there are still any questions or comments to make on the Plan, please let me or the Parish Office know by contacting me personally or the Parish Office on e-mail at:-
or by phone:- 01872 863333
Once again, my very grateful thanks to everyone who has been involved in this process in any way at all.
Bob Richards
Cllr Bob Richards, Chairman of the Steering Group & Feock Parish Council, March 2016