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Update on highways issues in Devoran

As you are aware the Parish Council had committed funds to install a virtual footway running the full length of Greenbank Road to the bottom of Market Street to give better pedestrian access. The Parish Council commissioned a highways feasibility study on Devoran from Cormac last year (this is the first step in making any changes to highways) which covered a 20mph speed limit for the village, virtual pavements on Greenbank Road and the old A39 and Quite Lane status for the Old Tram Road.

The Council decided against making the Old Tram Road an official Quiet Lane due to the costs involved (£5745), however we have now completed a project in conjunction with Restronguet Creek Society to install 'Share with care' signs to highlight its shared use to all users (which are very similar to Quiet Lane signs). We have also completed the installation of a footpath on the verge running up the side of the old A39 with help from volunteers from the village at a cost of around £5000 (the price from Cormac for a tarmac path was £25,550). As you will see from the feasibility study the cost of making the village a 20mph zone is £31,500 which is a huge sum of money, but the Parish Council has not entirely ruled it out as an option.

Cormac have recently completed a Safety Review of Greenbank Road with a view to installing the virtual footway, the result of this is that they have recommended against the installation of a virtual footway on Greenbank Road for three main reasons:

1. The carriageway width around the bend is in the region of 5 metres, which would leave 3.5 metres for traffic if a 1.5 virtual footway was provided. Hence, if there is traffic in opposite directions, there will be encroachment into the virtual footway. Pedestrians walking within the defined area may not be prepared for this, assuming they are in a protected area. This could cause conflict.

2. Users of the facility walking east would have their backs to traffic around the bend with restricted visibility of only 35/40 metres. Pedestrians should be encouraged to walk facing the on-coming traffic, especially around bends, so that they will be fully aware of what traffic is approaching them.

3. At the time of the site visit there were very few pedestrians, three over a 45 minute period, which indicates there is little demand for such a facility. If very little used, then drivers will get used to being able to drive over it which could put pedestrians in more danger than if there was no facility. Virtual footways should be used only in exceptional circumstances, and if there is a demand.

Their recommendation (if there are to be any improvements made to pedestrian access), is the installation of a traditional raised pavement on the land on the creekside of the road. This would involve the purchase of privately owned land at unknown cost in addition to a figure well over £30,000 for the pavement itself. All these costs would have to be funded by the Parish Council as there is insufficient evidence of safety issues for Cornwall Council/Cormac to fund improvements.

Full copies of both the Feasibility Study and Safety Review report can be viewed on the dedicated page of this website

We would like to invite residents to come along to our next Access & Amenities Committee meeting being held on Thursday 22nd September at 7pm in the Parish Council Office in Market Street to give us your views on what the highways issues are in Devoran.

Can the problem be solved with the availability of some form of pedestrian pavement or is the problem really caused by excessive speed? And if so where?

Are there other issues that have not been covered in the studies carried out to date?

Please come along as the Parish Council are really keen to make improvements but need your input as residents to be able to consider the right approach.

If you have any questions about the above please do not hesitate to contact Debra Roberts, the Parish Clerk on 01872 863333.

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