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Emergency Plan Meeting Feock 10th October

7pm at St Feock Church Hall

It is important that if there is an emergency, such as a flood, heavy snowfall or major fire in Feock village that there is a strong plan in place to deal with this which will be used by Cornwall Council and the emergency services.

The plan could include details of where people would be evacuated to in the event of a fire or flooding, a list of local hazards, such as electricity sub stations, industrial sites and skills within the community that could be utilised in an emergency, for example Doctors, Vets, Electricians, Police officers etc.

The idea of this public meeting is to get together people that live in the village of Feock who would like to help with putting a plan together to discuss and help develop a plan of how to deal with an emergency situation.

Refreshments will be provided.

For more details please contact Sam Edwards, Administration Assistant, Feock Parish Council on 01872 863333 or email

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