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Consultation on new recreation area in Carnon Downs at Pengelly Meadows

As part of the new Taylor Wimpey development on Bissoe Road a new recreation area will be created to the left of the entranceway to the development (the area is currently being used as a car park and for the site office). There will also be funding from the development under the Section 106 agreement to make improvements to the play equipment in the existing children’s park at Park an Gwarry just up the road.

The Parish Council feels that these should be two distinct areas, the existing play park for younger children and the new area at Pengelly Meadows should cater for older children. It is hoped that the work will commence in the Summer of 2017.

The Parish Council would like the older children's ideas as to what equipment and facilities they would like to see in the new recreation area and the survey can be completed via this link

Paper questionnaires will also be distributed on the school buses, via Penair and Richard Lander Schools and the local primary schools for years 5 and 6. The questionnaire is aimed at getting the views of children aged 8 years and up.

A separate consultation on new equipment for the existing children's park will be carried out in the next few weeks.

The deadline for responses is Monday 17th October 2016.

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