We have had a lot of complaints about the amount of dog mess that is currently on Devoran Lane in Devoran, near to the entrance to the primary school.
If anyone would like a laminated copy of this poster to display in their area please let the Parish Clerk know on debra@feockparishcouncil.co.uk who can arrange one for you to display.
Please pick up after your dog!
If your dog fouls any area to which the public are entitled access (by way of payment or not). Failure to remove faeces immediately will result in a fixed penalty of £80.00 being issued to you. If you fail to pay within 14 days you may then be liable to prosecution and a fine of up to £1000.00. More information can be found here http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/animal-welfare/dog-welfare-and-enforcement-service/be-a-responsible-dog-owner-campaign/