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Public meeting - proposed housing development in Carnon Downs - Tuesday 22nd November at 7pm

The below letter has been distributed recently to homes in the Valley Lane, Forthnoweth, Cowling Road area.

Planning application no:- PA16/08980 Land East of Trevella Farm, Valley Lane, Carnon Downs

Cornwall Council has received an application for outline permission to erect thirty eight new dwellings on land to the east of Trevella Farm, Valley Lane, Carnon Downs.

The proposal is for a mixed development of new dwellings, a proportion of which will be within the “affordable homes” bracket.

Your Parish Council are statutory consultees on this and all other planning applications within the Parish of Feock and applications are normally dealt with by the Planning Sub-Committee of the council.

However, our policy in cases of multi-unit development such as this, is that the full Parish Council will discuss and debate the proposal before we make any official comment.

Before making our comment on such significant applications, we feel it our duty to consult as widely as possible with the local community and so we have arranged an Open Public Meeting at Carnon Downs Methodist Sunday School on Tuesday 22nd November at 7:00pm

We would invite you to attend this meeting, where outline plans will be available and there will be opportunity to express your opinion on the proposal. We can then take forward any issues raised from the meeting to the full Parish Council and include any matters of relevance to material planning consideration in our formal comment.

Should you wish to view full details of the submitted proposal or make any comment on the proposal, this can be done through the Cornwall Council planning website or in writing to Cornwall Council.

If you require any further information, please contact either the Parish Office on 01872 863333 or myself on 01872 864567.

Thank you, Cllr Bob Richards Chairman, Feock Parish Council

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