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Real Christmas tree recycling

Cornwall Council will collect real Christmas trees in the weeks starting 9 January and 16 January 2017.

Please put your tree out on your normal rubbish collection day on the alternate week to your recycling collection. The trees will be collected for free and then shredded and composted.

You can also take your tree to the Household Waste and Recycling Centres.

Christmas recycling information and tips

Christmas cards

There are various charity collections for Christmas cards. You can also put them in your cardboard bag as part of your household recycling collection.


Envelopes can go in your household recycling collection. White envelopes should go into the paper bag, coloured or brown envelopes should go with the cardboard.

Wrapping paper

We can take wrapping paper that isn’t coated with foil or plastic. Please put all non-shiny wrapping paper in bag for paper, and remove any sticky tape, string or ribbons.


Over Christmas there are a lot of extra cardboard boxes. Flatten the boxes and put them in the cardboard recycling bag. If the boxes are too big, flat pack them, tie them in a bundle and put them out next to your recycling. If you have very large amounts of cardboard, you can either take it to your local Household Waste and Recycling Centres or put it out for the kerbside collection over a couple of weeks.

Tin Foil

Put scrunched up tin foil into the sack for plastic bottles and cans.

Chocolate and biscuit tins.

You can put chocolate and biscuit tins out for recycling in the sack for plastic bottles and tins. We can only accept metal sweet and biscuit tins. We can’t take the plastic tubs.

Additional recycling

If you have more kerbside recycling then usual, please put it out in carrier bags. Glass bottles and jars must be put in a rigid box.

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