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Fancy being a Parish Councillor?

On Thursday 4th May 2017 the 4 yearly Parish and Town Council Elections will be held.

There are 14 seats in Feock parish, 4 in Devoran and 5 each in Feock and Carnon Downs wards. If there are more people standing than seats in a ward then an election will be held and a statement of persons nominated will be issued on Wednesday 5th April.

If you would like to stand for election you will need to complete election papers and return these to Cornwall Council by no later than 4pm on Tuesday 4th April 2017.

Election packs will be available to be picked up from the Parish Council Office in March (date to be advised).

Documents have been produced by the Cornwall Association of Local Councils on what is involved in being a Parish Councillor and these can be downloaded from this

More information about the work of Feock Parish Council is available on this website and a summary will be uploaded here shortly. Alternatively feel free to call into the Parish Council Office at The Old Market Hall, Market Street, Devoran to speak to Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk about standing for election to Feock Parish Council.

Further information is available from Cornwall Council’s Electoral Services team and published on their website

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor you can contact Electoral Services on 0300 123 1115 or email

The Parish Council's Annual Meeting of Electors will be held on Monday 15th May, this meeting is not a Parish Council meeting but is a meeting of electors which will report on local activities and is a chance for residents to raise current issues in the community. The new Chairman of the council will chair the meeting. At this meeting the presentations on the community “Your Choice” funding applications will be given and the voting on the groups to receive the grants will open.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will also be held on the same evening and this is when the new Council will elect the Chairman and Vice Chairman, this will also be the Parish Council meeting for May 2017.

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