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Parish Council Precept 2017/18

The Parish Council will be raising its precept for the year 2017/18, this will equate to an increase of £3.80 per year on a Band D property, or just over a 1p a day. The overall Parish Council bill for a band D property for the year will be £56.28.

Due to services increasingly being devolved from Cornwall Council to the Parish Councils, for example highways improvements, the Parish Council felt they had no option but to increase the precept to ensure they could deliver the improvements that residents are requesting.

The Council had kept its precept at the same level for the last 3 years after lowering it in 2013 when the new Council were elected, this years rise represents an increase of only 2% over the past 4 years which is well below the rate of inflation for the period. The Parish Council have during this time installed defibrillators across the Parish, provided a new footpath in Devoran, completed the Feock Trails history and footpath walks project, refurbished Devoran Park at a cost of £20,000, plans are also in the pipeline to upgrade Carnon Downs park as well as installing equipment in the new recreation area.

The Parish Council have committed to spending almost £100,000 in the coming financial year on highways and traffic issues, as well as continuing to provide the “Your Choice” funding scheme for local groups and organisations, Feock community transport scheme, a 5 day a week manned office in Devoran for residents to call in for assistance, together with a soon to be expanded community library.

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