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Retallack Playing Field

The Parish Council are aware that a pre-application for advice on whether or not planning permission would be likely to be granted for sports facilities on Retallack Playing Field has been submitted to Cornwall Council by Feock Sports Club.

Please note that this is not a formal planning application and the design shown is an initial suggestion/plan requested by Cornwall Council Planning to enable them to provide the advice required.

Feock Sports Club are aware that they will need to seek permission from the Parish Council if they wish to progress this project as the Parish Council own Retallack Playing Field.

This will need to be done formally at a Parish Council meeting (if this is brought to the Council it is not anticipated that this will be until at least June), all Parish Council meetings are public meetings and this will be listed as an item on the agenda.

Copies of the agenda are displayed on noticeboards around the parish (there is one here at Retallack Playing Field and by St Feock Church) and on our website

Residents are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings and there is a 15 minute session at the start of Council meetings for residents to speak on any matter.

If the Parish Council agree to a scheme on Retallack Playing Field then planning permission will still need to be applied for and a formal planning application will need to be submitted.

We hope this clarifies the current position.

Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk

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