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Feock Home & Garden Society Village Show 2018

Feock Village Show sees summer end on a high

Late summer sunshine greeted the judges as they arrived to adjudicate on the Feock Village Show 2018 held in Feock Church Community Hall, Pill Creek on 8th September. Over 290 entries of flowers, vegetables, cakes, jams and art and craft items were brought in by residents of all ages. Family challenged family, neighbour challenged neighbour as entrants sought the top accolades.

Lead judge, John Lanyon, Head Gardener, National Trust, Cornwall observed, “the quality of the exhibits was very high, with freshness and colour making excellent displays. And what impressed us most was the number of children's entries.”

Ann Nicholls, judge for Cookery and Preserves confirmed the quality in her section. “ I was pleased with the standard of entries which showed a lot of skill and creativity. I was particularly pleased with the Cornish Saffron cake class where in a difficult class, texture and taste was excellent.”

Maxine Hart, judge for Art and Craft joined Ann in complementing the Society committee for organising such a good show. Maxine said, “the layout of the exhibits made the most of the beautiful hall which is of an exhibition hall standard” She added, “I was especially delighted to see so much participation by young people. The standard was incredible, clever, diverse and different.”

Speaking on behalf of the judges Maxine reported that they had unanimously chosen Amelia Lanyon's miniature garden as the Best in Show. She said, ”we were delighted to be able to chose

a child's entry as Best in Show. Amelia showed an amazing attention to detail with a mixture of flowers and vegetables. The impression of depth and height made you feel that you could actually be in the garden. A really lovely work of art which richly deserved the accolade we gave it ”

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