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Western Power & SWW Priority Services

South West Water and Western Power offer priority services for people with additional needs, such as illness or disabilities or who are reliant on electricity for medical equipment.

You can join South West Waters Priority Service Register online or by phoning 0344 346 1010 or minicom 0800 169 9965 if you, or someone in your house, has a medical condition that requires constant access to a supply of water, or you would find it difficult to reach an alternative supply during an interruption to the mains supply.

You can join Western Powers Priority Service Register online or by phoning 0800 096 3080 which will give you:

  • Give you a direct number to call in the event of a power cut so you can get straight through to us;

  • Agree a password with you before we visit, so you feel safe;

  • Provide special help, if needed, through the British Red Cross;

  • Inform you about planned interruptions to your electricity supply;

  • Keep you as informed as possible in the event of an unplanned power cut

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