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Planning applications in Carnon Downs

A letter is currently being delivered to residents of Carnon Downs setting out the Parish Council's position with regards to the current planning applications for 59 additional dwellings on land next to the Carnon Inn PA18/10933 and PA18/10932. The letter can also be read here.

Appeal hearing

Planning application PA16/08980 - Land to the East of Trevella Farm, Valley Lane, Carnon Downs - Outline application with all matters reserved for the provision of 38 dwellings including 19 affordable

You may remember that in March 2017 the Parish Council objected to the planning application detailed above for 38 dwellings at land off Valley Lane which was subsequently refused by Cornwall Council in October 2017.

This letter is to advise you that the developers have lodged an appeal against the refusal decision and an Appeal Hearing is taking place on Wednesday 6th February 2019 at the Health & Wellbeing Innovation Centre (Perranporth Suite) at Treliske, Truro TR1 3FF. The hearing will commence at 10:00am.

If you feel that you are affected by the proposals you may attend the Hearing and, at the Inspector’s discretion, give your views. Parking is available and access is suitable for the disabled.

A member of the Parish Council will be attending the Hearing to speak in objection to the proposal.

Listen and translate

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