We are looking for a volunteer who would like to do some home based administration work on our Feock Local Transport Scheme which helps local people get out and about, to places like the Doctors, Dentist, Hairdressers etc..
The role would involve around 7 to 8 hours work a week but this is dependent on how many requests for lifts the scheme receives, some weeks it may be less. Requests are quite ad hoc so the work would need doing when requests are received so it’s ‘half an hour here and there’ rather than a few hours in one go as often requests for a lift are received with less than 24 hours notice.
You will need be able to check your emails regularly throughout the day to pick up requests for lifts and contact the drivers via email as well.
The volunteer would need to have good IT and organisational skills. You would be responsible for contacting our volunteer drivers (when a request for a lift is received via the Parish Council office who man the booking line) to find out who is available to carry out the lift requested, then phone back the person who needs the lift to advise that a lift has been arranged for them (and occasionally that we are not able to help) and confirm by email to the driver the details of the trip. No driving is involved. Phone call costs will be reimbursed and full training given.
Every few months we get all the volunteers together for coffee and cake to talk about how the transport scheme is going and so any concerns can be raised and at Christmas there is a ‘thank you’ lunch for all the volunteers provided by the Parish Council.
If you would like to find out more about this volunteering position please get in touch with Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk on 01872 863333 or debra@feockparishcouncil.co.uk