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Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE)

The Parish Council has been invited to take part as a pilot area (one of only two pilots in the UK), in a European Interreg 2 Seas Project starting in Spring 2020 in association with the University of Exeter and other European partners.

The project will build on Community Connect and work with and for people aged 60+ to develop services and facilities of benefit to them. The aim is to reduce the loneliness and feeling of isolation which can affect many of us as we grow older. An important part of the project will focus on building on the strengths of our community and inter-generational activities


We will be recruiting a Project Co-ordinator and Project Administration Assistant to be based in our office in Devoran to help with the local implementation of this project, more details of these vacancies are available on this page shortly.


We will also be looking to recruit volunteers to assist with the project and this will involve meeting with older members of the community to find out their views on their needs and the community in which they live. Similarly if you are a member of the community (aged 60 years plus) and would be willing to take part in the project and give us your views please get in touch.

If you would be interested in volunteering, giving us your views or the Project Co-ordinator or Administration Assistant positions, you can get in touch with Cllr Keith Hambly-Staite, email or Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk via or 01872 863333 for an informal chat.

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