The Parish Council is seeking to appoint a new grass cutting contractor following the retirement of our current contractor, starting in April 2023.
Feock Parish Council is inviting suitably qualified contractors to tender for the provision of grass and hedge cutting of Council managed land initially for one year with a view to extending further from March 2024.
The contract will be subject to Feock Parish Council’s requirements and satisfactory performance through monitoring. Failure to provide a satisfactory level of service and maintenance may result in the contract being terminated.
The contractor must evidence full Public Liability Insurance and appropriate certificates of competence to use mechanical devices necessary to carry out the duties, and conform to all current Health & Safety legislation for all operators including the necessary licenses to work alongside the highway.
Any questions concerning the tendering process should be directed to Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).
The successful applicant will be required to deliver services in accordance with the following
schedule of works:
Grass and hedge cutting contract
Grass cutting and hedge maintenance of open spaces at the following locations:
1. Retallack Field, Feock – 14 cuts per annum from March to October to include strimming perimeters and around equipment.
2. Retallack Field, Feock - hedge trimming, one cut per year
3. Devoran Recreation Ground – 14 cuts per annum from March to October to include strimming perimeters and around equipment.
4. Pengelly Meadows Recreation Ground - 14 cuts per annum from March to October to include strimming perimeters and around equipment. Please also provide a price for this area separately as it may be awarded as a stand alone contract.
5. Pengelly Meadows Recreation Ground – perimeter hedge trimming (inside), one cut per year
6. Carnon Downs grass verges – 8 cuts per annum from March to October (See file below)
7. Tank Hill, Devoran (off St John’s Terrace), grass verge – 8 cuts p.a.
8. Carnon Downs tumulus (Park an Creeg) - 14 cuts per annum from March to October to include strimming perimeters
9. Point Green - 14 cuts per annum from March to October to include strimming perimeters and around bench and pump.
10. Green Triangle, Feock - 14 cuts per annum from March to October including strimming around road signs (See file below).
11. Cutting out of hedges on passing places on the Old Tram Road, Devoran – two cuts per year
12. Cutting the hedge from the “Saltbox” to Point Orchard at Point – two cuts per year
13. Grass verge cutting beside the bus lane at Carnon Downs (from Jubilee Wood up to opposite Killaganoon entrance, on the Jubilee Wood side only) and to cut neatly around 10 Cherry trees (not yet planted) – 4 cuts per year
14. Adhoc hedge/bramble trimming in parks as requested, cost per cut/hour.
Please supply a quotation for the total price of the annual contract as set out above as well as a stand alone price for Pengelly Meadows Recreation Area grass cutting.
The successful contractor will be expected to begin work in mid April following the April Parish Council meeting when the contract will be awarded.
The Parish Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Invitations to tender will open at 9am on Tuesday 14th February 2023 and quotations should be returned either by letter to address above or by email to by 5pm on Friday 31st March 2023.
If you are able to provide relevant references and examples of your work in support of your bid, please do so.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk on or 01872 863333.

Pengelly Meadows Recreation Area

Retallack Field, Feock

Devoran Recreation Area