Feock Parish Council currently has 3 vacancies (2 in Feock ward and one in Carnon Downs ward), we hope to fill these vacancies by co-option at the Parish Council meeting being held on Monday 12th June.
Are you interested in filling one of these vacancies? Below is some information about joining the Parish Council, however please get in touch with the Parish Clerk for more detailed information or if you have any questions. A copy of the co-option process is available online https://www.feockpc.com/policy-documents
What is a Parish Council?
A parish council is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and has an overall responsibility for the well-being of its local community. It is the level government closest to the community, with only the principal authority (Cornwall Council) above it in the hierarchy. As it is the authority closest to the people, parish councils are invariably the first place people will go with concerns or ideas. For this reason they are a vital part of any community. There is lots to get involved in from reviewing planning applications, helping with making improvements to footpaths and recreation areas, highways issues and our wellbeing work to name but a few!
A Parish Council’s work falls into three main categories:
representing the local community
improving and helping to deliver services to meet local needs
striving to improve quality of life in the parish
Why become a Parish Councillor?
You may be forgiven for thinking that Parish Councillors are a group of people who meet every now and then in a draughty village hall! If, however, you live in a community where something ‘big’ has happened, you’ll know that when people in the community need support and guidance, it is sometimes the Parish Council that is turned to. By becoming a Parish Councillor you become someone your community will look to for help, guidance and support a community leader with the power to influence decisions for the benefit of the people you serve.
Seeing your community change for the better, as a result of decisions you have helped make, is something that can give you a sense of achievement and pride.
You can find lots more information about the projects and work of the Parish Council on our website www.feockparishcouncil.co.uk
How to apply
Please write a letter of application to Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk via email debra@feockparishcouncil.co.uk or the address below explaining why you wish to join the Parish Council, a bit about your background and experience and what you feel you can bring to the Parish Council.
Deadline for applications is 12 noon on Friday 9th June.
Applicants must be able to attend the meeting on Monday 12th June where the co-option will take place.
