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We'd like to hear from you!

We would like to hear from residents about their experiences and ideas on initiatives such as electric vehicles, home insulation, wildlife gardening and green energy systems. We would also like to hear your ideas for community initiatives that the Parish Council could investigate external funding for.

In our Connect newsletter last year we told you what we were doing as a Parish Council to reduce our carbon footprint and also shared some residents’ experiences with electric cars and green energy systems.

You can access this information in the Winter/Spring 2020 issue of Connect and we now want to update it with the latest position.

Please let us know your experience and ideas on electric cars, bikes, home insulation, wildlife gardening and green energy.

We will collate responses for our next newsletter to inform and prompt debate.

Please let us know your experiences and also any ideas you may have for community initiatives which the Council might pursue for the Parish as a whole. Contact Debra, Parish Clerk via 01872 863333 or


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