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Latest news

Film Club
Meet the third Friday of the month until 18th May, then start again 21st September (not December. Doors open 6.30pm. Look out for posters...

WI Knit & Stitch
Meet Monday afternoons at Carnon Downs Village Hall to knit items for the Premature Baby Unit at Treliske, make heart shape cushions for...

Women's Institute (WI)
Meet the second Tuesday of the month (except August) at 7.15pm in Carnon Downs Village Hall. For more information contact Pam Jewiss...

Meets the first and third Saturday of the month at 2pm at Carnon Downs Village Hall. Run by the SW Multiple Sclerosis group. For more...

Perran Rebells
A handbell ringing group, meet on the first, third and fifth Wednesday mornings from 9am to 12.30pm at Carnon Downs Village Hall. For...

Beetle Drive
Held at various times at Devoran Methodist Chapel to raise funds for the chapel. For more information contact Elaine Fletcher on 01872...

Devoran Ladies Group
Meet the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm in Devoran Parish Centre (behind Devoran Church). For more information contact Elaine...

Computer classes
Dates to be arranged at Devoran Village Hall. For more information contact: dvhbookings IT, computers

Cornwall Wildlife Trust workshops
Workshop dates to be advised. For more information visit or http://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.or...

Meets Wednesdays from 1.30pm to 4pm, Devoran Village Hall. Come and play bridge. For more details phone 07907 271501 or email...
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