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"Your Choice" Grants 2019/20


The Parish Council runs a grant scheme available to local groups and charities, this is a Participatory

Budgeting Scheme which gives local residents a say in which local groups and charities the Parish Council

supports, by allowing them to vote online and on paper voting slips.


The Parish Council is delighted to announce that the following groups have been awarded funding for this year

and that they have been able to support all the groups that appliedThe quality of all the applications submitted

was excellent and there were over 300 voting slips submitted.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and support the groups.


  • Devoran Pre-school (£400)

  • Devoran School PTCA (£380)

  • Devoran Baby & Toddler Group (£395.07)

  • Devoran Explorers (£400)

  • Devoran Brownies, Rainbows & Guides (£200)

  • Carnon Downs Sunbeams Tiny Tots (£200)

  • Carnon Downs Memory Café (£400)

  • Carnon Downs Bowling Club (£200)

  • Feock Home & Garden Society (£180)  

  • Feock Soup Lunch (£100)

  • Restronguet Creek Society (£150)


Data protection: Any personal information you give to us will be processed in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Parish Council will only use the information provided to process your vote for the Your Choice scheme and will not share your information with any third parties or use your details for any other purpose other than collating the Your Choice funding votes, once votes have been counted and the funding awarded this information will be destroyed.


Details of previous Your Choice grants can be found using the links below. 

Your Choice Grants 2014/15 

Your Choice Grants 2015/16

Your Choice Grants 2016/17

Your Choice Grants 2017/18

Your Choice Grants 2018/19


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