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Feock Neighbourhood Development Plan Update

Representatives of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group met at the end of April with Cornwall Council to try to resolve the issues that Natural England have raised in regards to our draft Neighbourhood Plan regarding aspects of our housing policies and around the river and creek areas which have protection under various legislation, including Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and World Heritage Site.

Cornwall Council have contracted an Environmental Consultant to establish if Strategic Environmental Assessment and Housing Resource Allocation reports are required for our plan, as suggested by Natural England in our consultation with them, a decision on this is expected early in May. The Steering Group will b


e working with the AONB with regards to the sensitive settlement edges we have identified in our plan and we will continue to work with Cornwall Council to progress our Neighbourhood Plan to enable the public consultation to be carried out prior to examination. The Truro & Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan team and others are experiencing similar difficulties with Natural England regarding their plans.

Cllr Bob Richards, Chair of Neighbourhood Development Plan

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